Arizona Bird Committee

Documenting Arizona's Birds

Arizona Birding Bibliography

Compiled by Mark M. Stevenson


Brown, B.T., Carothers, S.W., and Johnson, R.R. 1987. Grand Canyon Birds. Tucson, Univ. of Arizona Press

Brown, D.E. 1985. Arizona Wetlands and Waterfowl. Tucson, Univ. of Arizona Press.

Brown, D.E. 1989. Arizona Game Birds. Tucson, Univ. of Arizona Press

Corman, T., Wise-Gervais, C. 2005 Arizona Breeding Bird Atlas. Albuquerque, Univ. of New Mexico Press.

Gatlin, Brian in litt Birds of the Grand Canyon Region, An Annotated Checklist, Third Edition. Grand Canyon Association

Glinski, R. 1998. The Raptors of Arizona. Tucson, Univ. of Arizona Press

Groschupf, K. and B. Brown, R. Johnson 1988 An Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association

Kreuper, D. 1999. Annotated Checklist to the Birds of the Upper San Pedro River Valley, Arizona. BLM San Pedro Riparian Nat’l Conservation Area.

LaRue, C. 1994 Birds of northern Black Mesa, Navajo County, Arizona. Great Basin Naturalist 54:1-63

Merlin, P. 2001. A Guide to Southern Arizona Bird Nests & Eggs. Tucson, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press

Monson, G. and A.R. Phillips. 1981 Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Arizona, 2nd ed. Tucson, Univ of Arizona Press

Phillips, A., J. Marshall and G. Monson. 1964. The Birds of Arizona. Tucson, Univ. of Arizona Press

Rosenberg, K.V., Ohmart, R.d., Hunter, W.C., and Anderson, B.W. 1991. Birds of the Lower Colorado River Valley. Tucson, Univ. of Arizona Press

Russell, S.M. and G Monson. 1998 Birds of Sonora. Tucson, Univ. of Arizona Press

Taylor, R.C. 1994. Trogons of the Arizona Borderlands. Tucson, Treasure Chest Publications 


Rosenberg, G, and K. Radamaker,. M. Stevenson 2007 Arizona Bird Committee Report 2000-2004 Records. W. Birds 38:74-101

Rosenberg, G.H. 2001 Arizona Bird Committee Report: 1996-1999 Records. W. Birds 32:50-70

Rosenberg, G.H., and Witzeman, J.L. 1998 Arizona Bird Committee Report, 1974-1996: Part 1 (non-passerines). W. Birds 29:199-224

Rosenberg, G.H., and Witzeman, J.L. 1998 Arizona Bird Committee Report, 1974-1996: Part 2 (passerines). W. Birds 30:94-120

Speich, S., and Parker, T.A. 1973 Arizona Bird Records, 1972. W. Birds 4:53-57

Speich, S. and Witzeman, J.L. 1975. Arizona Bird Records, 1973, with additional notes. W. Birds 6:145-155


Brandt, F. & L. 2001 Birding the Flagstaff Area. Flagstaff, Northern Ariz. Audubon Soc.

Gilmore, V. 2003 (Revised 3rd Edition).Birding Sedona and the Verde Valley. Flagstaff, Northern Ariz. Audubon Soc.

Jacobs, B. 1986. Birding on the Navajo and Hopi Reservations. Sycamore, MO, Jacobs Publishing Co.

Rupp, M. 2002. Guide to 101 Birding Sites: Phoenix. Phoenix, Rupp Aerial Photography

Taylor, R.C. 2005. A Birder’s Guide to Southeastern Arizona, 4th ed. Colorado Springs, Amer. Birding Assoc.

Tucson Audubon Society. 2011. Finding Birds in Southeast Arizona, Eighth Edition. Tucson, Tucson Audubon Society

Witzeman, J., S. Demaree and E Radke. 1997. Birds of Phoenix and Maricopa County. Phoenix, Maricopa Audubon Society


Benesh, C. and M. Stevenson. 2011. Checklist of the Birds of Southeast Arizona. Tucson, Tucson Audubon Society.

Brown, B.T., Carothers, S.W., Johnson, R.R., Riffey, M.M., and Stevens, L.E. 1993. Checklist of the Birds of the Grand Canyon Region. Grand Canyon, AZ, Grand Canyon Nat. History Assoc.

Rosenberg, G.H., and D. Stejskal. 2002. (2nd Edition) The Arizona Bird Committee’s Field Checklist of the Birds of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Bird Committee.

Sogge, M.K., Felley, D., and Wotawa, M. 1998. Annotated species list and summary in riparian bird community ecology in the Grand Canyon-Final Report. Flagstaff, AZ, U.S. Geol. Surv., Colo. Plateau Field Station, N. Ariz. Univ.

Spence, J. and C. LaRue, J. Grahame 2009 Annotated checklist of the birds of the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah and Arizona. Glen Canyon NRA

Taylor, R.C. 1995 Location Checklist to the Birds of the Huachuca Mountains and the Upper San Pedro River. Tucson, Borderland Productions.

Taylor, R.C. 2010 Location Checklist to the Birds of the Chiricahua Mountains. Tucson, Borderland Productions.

Tomoff, C.S. 2003 (3rd Edition) Birds of Prescott, AZ. Annotated Checklist of the relative abundance and seasonal status of Prescott-area birds. Prescott College & Prescott Audubon Society


Behle, W.H., and Higgins, H.g. 1959. Birds of Glen Canyon, in Ecological Studies of Flora and Fauna in Glen Canyon (A.M. Woodbury, ed.), pp. 107-133. Anthropol. Papers 40, Glen Canyon Ser. 7, Univ. Utah

Gatz, T. 2001. Orange Bishops Breeding in Phoenix, Arizona. W. Birds 32:81-82

LaRue, C.T., LL Dickson, N.L. Brown, J.R. Spence and L.E. Stevens. 2001. Recent Bird Records from the Grand Canyon Region, 1974-2000. W. Birds 32:101-118.

Groschupf, K. 1992. Black-capped Gnatcatcher: A Closer Look. Birding 24:131

Groschupf, K. 1992. Five-striped Sparrow. (In) The Birds of North America, No. 21. Philadelphia, Acad. Nat. Sci.

Rosenberg, G. 1990. Arizona Birding Pitfalls: parts I and II. Birding 22:120 and 22:176.

Zimmerman, D. 1991. Aztec Thrush in the United States. Birding 23:318 and 24: 206.