Welcome to the ABC Website
The Arizona Bird Committee (ABC) was organized in 1972 to improve the quality of state bird records and increase knowledge of bird distribution in Arizona. The ABC evaluates documentation of rare birds, publishes reports on those evaluations, archives the documentation and maintains a checklist of Arizona birds.
The committee is made up of eight voting members who serve four-year terms, rotating off for a minimum of one year. New candidates for the committee are nominated by the current members each year, and then elected by a vote of the committee. The duties of committee members include voting on the records submitted for consideration, attending the annual meeting, and making decisions about which species are included on the state review list.
The ABC encourages all birders to submit documentation of rare bird
sightings, especially any species that is on the ABC Review List, but
also any birds occurring well outside the known pattern for that species
in the state. Anyone who has seen a rarity is encouraged to submit
documentation, you do not have to be the person who discovered the
rarity. Many rarities, even those seen by lots of people, are often under